Thursday, December 31, 2009
Friday, December 25, 2009
Tuesday, December 22, 2009
Sneak Peek?

These two photos of a possible Emo film were found on a web site that claims to have all the breaking news on, well, everything and everybody. One picture shows Emo in a block of Carbonite and the other is an opening sequence to the movie. It all seems so familiar but we can't seem to place it. Got any ideas? Somebody? Anybody? Stay tuned!!!
Friday, December 18, 2009
Emo TV?

Tuesday, December 15, 2009
Don't pass this up!!!

Available for Holiday Giving - The Emo Psychedelic Puzzle! For a limited time only!! This is hours of fun for the whole family. They're going fast, so get yours today!!! CALL 1-800-EMOBITES now. Operators are standing by.
BUT WAIT, there's more! Call now and receive a free set of steak knives. Did I mention that they're FREE!!! WOW!!! Call NOW!!!
Friday, December 11, 2009
Oscar Calling Emo

Click on picture to see detail, then click your back button to get back here.
There's serious Oscar buzz from those that have seen Emo's latest "Mysterio". Although this movie has been wrapped for almost a year and originally scheduled for a summer release, studio heads decided to put it in for a December release, when all the other serious Oscar movies are coming out. That's because the Academy voters can't remember back as far as last summer. It's all good!
But wait, there's more!!! ONEOWNER tells us that there will be yet another Emo movie out before Christmas. WOW!!! This is the hardest working cat in Webster (Where Life is Worth Living). Stay tuned!!!
Saturday, December 5, 2009
Something Tells Me It's All Happening At the Zoo

I do believe it's true. Emo went to the Seneca Park Zoo, near Webster (Where Life is Worth Living), NY last week and made some new friends. He took Genny C (the African Elephant) to Webster Park for an outing before returning to the zoo. The zoo is noted for its conservation measures and helps visitors to be more aware and involved in the animals, especially the endangered species that call the zoo home. Seneca Park Zoo envisions a community where people respect and protect animals and their habitat. And it's fun too! For kids, adults and cats (big and small).
Thursday, December 3, 2009
Emo Takes Japan
Thursday, November 26, 2009

WOW!!! A BOGO FROM EMO! You read it right! Emo is presenting 2 movies back to back for his fans. Make no mistake, these are two "A" movies, not like those schlock movies from Tarantino and Rodriguez (no offence, we liked them too). This is Emo's way of thanking his fans for a really good year. Not much is known about either of the films, but "E THE AMAZON CAT FROM OUTER SPACE" looks like a '50s sci-fi story (a favorite of Emo's). Happy Thanksgiving to all and stay tuned!
Sunday, November 8, 2009
Friday, October 30, 2009
Wanna see something really scary?:

Happy Halloween! In keeping with the tradition of scaring ourselves half to death, Emo is releasing BAD CAT for a limited run in Webster (Where Life is Worth Living), NY. If you're lucky enough to be in the area, it promises to be SPOOKTACULAR!!! The rest of the country (and world) will have to wait to see it, but it's worth the wait. Stay tuned!
Tuesday, October 27, 2009

VacuuMania is billed as a horror movie for cats, but the cat world will be very upset when this movie is released on Halloween. It's a known fact cats are very afraid of vacuum cleaners, though there hasn't been a documented case of a cat being sucked in by one since 2008. Then there was one in 2007 and two in 2006 and 4 in 2005. Holy cats, this is an ongoing problem!!! We urge you to AVOID THIS MOVIE!!! DO NOT SEE THIS MOVIE!!! STAY AWAY!!! STAY FAR AWAY!!! HIDE IN THE CLOSET!!! DO NOT COME OUT FOR 20 MINUTES!!!
Advanced tickets are available from FANDANGO starting this Friday.
The inappropriate behavior seen by one cat in this move was actually performed by a professional stunt cat. DO NOT TRY THIS AT HOME!!! YOU HAVE BEEN WARNED!!! DON'T MAKE ME GET OUT THE VACCUME CLEANER!!!!!